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quick and healthy snacks

5 Quick and Healthy Snacks for Busy Corporates

Are you someone who wants to eat healthy but is often confused what are some quick and healthy snacks that will make you fit?

These snacks are not just healthy, and easy to make but are tasty enough to have them every day without getting bored. These will barely take 5 minutes but will lead to a healthy life.

Here is the list of Healthy Snacks

1. Peanut Butter Bread

This is not only quick, and tasty but also full of fiber and protein. You can also have this for breakfast or lunch. The easiest way to have this as a snack is to pack this in a lunch box which you can eat anytime throughout the day.

For added taste, you can choose chocolate flavor peanut butter or can add slices of banana. If you are at home, try to toast the bread with butter and then spread peanut butter ( I am sure, you will never leave this snack then ).

The only problem with this is that some people can get acne which is not acceptable for them leading us to our next snack.

peanut butter

2. Banana shake

This is the tastiest snack on this list. Shakes are often highly healthy, simple to produce, and convenient to transport. Banana shake is the most famous shake that you can find anywhere around your office easily ( make sure it has less sugar ). Have it as a dessert, breakfast, lunch, or snack.

You can experiment a lot with these kinds of shakes. Have chocolate syrups, more fruits, oats, chocolates, or anything that you have around you to make it more appealing. 

The only problem with this is that this can make you gain more weight very easily as it becomes very difficult to guess the calories due to added nutrients and also because liquids are easy to consume. So, this leads to our next snack which will neither give you acne nor weight gain.

banana shake

3. Oats with fruits

According to me, this is the most balanced snack you will ever get but this is usually not tasty. This snack has the highest value as you get milk, fruits, and whey protein which is perfect to be considered as a balanced diet.

You can either leave oats dipped in water or milk overnight or boil them for instant use. The best way is to cut a banana or any other fruit into small pieces and mix them well. You can have them with fruits, whey protein, chocolates, nuts, or peanut butter.

The only problem with this one is that it is very difficult to eat ( for some initial times ) as this is almost tasteless if you don’t add anything extra. So, Never try to eat these oats alone.

4. Boiled Eggs with veggies

This is personally my favorite snack. This is also a great contender for a well-balanced and healthful snack, but since vegetarians don’t consume eggs, we couldn’t award it the title. Otherwise, this contains everything we need like carbs, proteins, and even good fats in sufficient quantities.

If you can get boiled eggs mixed with some veggies like tomato, onion, berries, and chips it becomes irresistible for you to not eat. Making omelets is also fine, but this leads to extra calories due to oil ( which may not be suitable for you ).

The problem with this is that first maybe not everyone can eat this and second it can also lead to acne. This leads us to our final snack which can be eaten by everyone.

5. Fruits and Nuts

This is the most common and easiest prepared snack. You don’t even need any other food or equipment other than these. Just peel the cover and eat.
This is also the most underrated snack ( which everyone can easily eat ) that is a great source of vitamins, minerals, and good fats with some quantity of protein.
There is no problem with this snack and could be considered a perfect snack.
fruits and nuts


What are some quick and healthy snacks for corporates?

These include oats, banana shakes, peanut butter bread, boiled eggs, and fruits. You just have to replace the not-so-good snacks with better ones like using whole grain or brown bread rather than the usual one.

Can corporates eat healthily during office time?

Yes, of course. You can eat clean and healthy anytime and anywhere as this is your choice only. You can easily replace not-so-good snacks with better ones like pizzas with whole grain bread.

Can Office employees eat and get fit?

Yes, it is very much possible that can be done by just minor improvements in your lifestyle especially your mindset. Just ask yourself do you pay now for good food or pay heavy hospital bills in the future?


Please Stop destroying your health by eating junk food, instead try these 5 quick and healthy snacks.

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