Fitness with DS

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workout variations

Different Types of Workout Variations

Would you listen to the same songs for the rest of your life? No, Right? Then why follow the same schedule, when there exist Workout Variations?

But, Why do we need workout Variations?

Because the mix of exercises keeps our life interesting and builds muscle faster. How exactly muscles, Here’s how: 

Our Muscles largely consist of Fast-Twitch and Slow-Twitch Fibers.

Fast-Twitch Fiber supports quick, powerful movements such as sprinting or weightlifting. Whereas, Slow-Twitch Fiber supports long-distance endurance activities like marathon running.

So, If we focus only on Fast and deny the other or vice-versa, is like only focusing on forwards in a soccer game. To make your soccer the best, you have to focus on both the forwards and defenders same like Fast and Slow Twitch.

workout variations
Row Variations that kills our boredom, even though targeting the same muscle

5 General Workout Variations/Variety

10-6 routines

This is the most common workout variety we all follow. This includes performing 10 reps in a weight training set. Once we can do 10 reps, we increase the load so that we can only perform 6 reps now. And when your strength increases we can again do 10 reps, add more weight, and perform 6 reps again.
This is forced to keep our workout intensity high and somehow finish the workout in less time. This is necessary to increase the intensity but not always by increasing the load ( can be done in many ways Read here). That leads us to our next variation.
The only thing that should be kept in mind is that only increase the load/weight when you can comfortably perform 10 reps and in good form. Never trade your form in exchange for more number of repetitions.
10-6 gym routine

Lighter Loads, More Reps

This includes performing more reps say 15 or 20 rather the increasing the weight when you can comfortably perform 10 reps. This variety should be followed once a week because this will utilize some of the slow-twitch fibers also that aren’t being challenged when we do 6 or 8 reps.

This will make you hit muscle fatigue with a different kind of feel while keeping the intensity intact and will also keep your workouts interesting ( by making different funny faces ).
This is easier to perform in isolation movements, with the smaller muscles like the Biceps but make sure to keep your form intact.
lighter load, more reps


The Pyramid Technique can be performed either as the regular one or the reverse pyramid. This includes following a pyramid-like structure, performing all these in one set only.

It includes starting with 10 reps, then adding weight and performing 6 reps, then adding weight again and performing 3 reps, then again for 1 rep eventually following a reverse pyramid-like structure.

This will help us to hit a wide variety of our twitch fibers helping us to grow muscles faster. Make sure not to compromise your form for the sake of just lifting.

pyramid gym technique

Combo Lifts

Also known as supersets, this includes doing one exercise after another without any significant rest in between. Like performing dumbbell curls and then, without setting the dumbbells down, executing some tricep pushdown.

It’s like “go, go, go” until you are exhausted. This should be your go-to technique if you want to save time in the gym. You may also do gigantic sets or tri-sets, but be aware that doing so will intensify your workout considerably.

The only problem with this is the Injury risk. Either do it in the sight of a supporter or don’t push yourself to the extreme.

superset technique/ combo lifts

Forced Reps

This means lifting to the absolute extreme, then squeezing out another rep or two. As some of the muscle fibers become fatigued, you can recruit other ones. For eg, if you can only lift 10 reps, then allow your partner to help you to hit another 3-5 reps.
For this, you need a partner, that will assist you in performing these. You should still focus on the eccentric or the negative part while your partner helps you push/pull the main part.
Don’t try this if you don’t have a partner as this can backfire especially if you doing a free weight exercise.
forced reps


Why do we need workout variations?

Because a variety of workouts makes life interesting and accelerates the growth of muscle. Fast-twitch and slow-twitch fibers make up the majority of our muscle fibers. Fast-Twitch Fibre facilitates forceful, rapid activities like weightlifting and running. On the other hand, long-distance endurance sports like marathon running are supported by slow-twitch fiber. It would be like concentrating solely on the forwards in a football match if we were to focus only on Fast and ignore the other, or vice versa. You must concentrate on both the forwards and defenders, much like on Fast and Slow Twitch if you want to play the finest football possible.


What are the different types of workout variations?

  • 10-6 routines
  • Lighter Loads, More Reps
  • Pyramid 
  • Combo Lifts
  • Forced Reps



Workout Variation is a key skill that you should know.

Here are 5 variations that will not only kill your boredom but will help to build muscles faster.

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