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supplements vs medicines

Medicines vs Supplements Difference Explained

Do you also think that taking Supplements is the same as taking Medicine? If yes, you are wrong.

Medicines vs Supplements is the same as comparing Attacker vs Defender in Soccer. Let’s find out how…

Medicines vs Supplements

What is Medicine? 

Medicine is termed as the science of preventing and treating illness which can be compared to a defender in soccer. These mostly include painkillers, Fever fever-killing medicines, and drugs.

It force your body to do something that the body wouldn’t normally do. But, your body can have adverse consequences if your body is unable to metabolize the medication. For this reason, the majority of individuals take several medications to treat a single illness which can do more harm than good.


What is a Supplement?

Supplement is defined as something added to complete a thing, supply a deficiency, or reinforce or extend a whole which can be compared to an attacker in soccer. It can include whey proteins, multivitamins, fish oils, etc.

These ‘fill in the nutritional gaps’ in a well-rounded diet, nothing more. These are taken when we are not capable of meeting the daily required nutrition from diet alone. Taking supplements only ( instead of focusing on a balanced diet ) can also have adverse effects as this can signal our body not to naturally produce/utilize already existing nutrients.


How are these different/similar?

Medicine is only taken in a situation that our body can’t manage on its own. It means we don’t really need to take medicines in a situation when our body is in a perfectly fine state. These are only taken in a case when our body is not capable enough to handle the situation on its own.

Drugs are a kind of defense mechanism for our body. It means our body is not dependent on medicines for survival and it is used in cases when our body needs to defend itself from any harm which our body would not naturally do.


Supplements are taken as a way to enhance our quality of life. In fact, we all need at least some kind of supplement in every aspect of our lives as we are always deficient in one or more nutrients.

These are a kind of attacking mechanism for our body. It means our body is getting prepared for future attacks for which proper nutrients are required. As we need proper guns in a war, similarly we need our body to be in a perfectly fine state to live a healthy life. Here living a life is being compared to war.

We can very well attack with a lack of equipment ( nutrients ) but sustaining a war like this will almost be impossible in the long term.

Medicines become absolutely necessary to be taken in a unavoidable situation like intense pain. Whereas, Supplements are totally optional which acts as catalyst providing you greater benefits in the long term.

This is the most basic “Medicines vs supplements” difference.

supplements vs drugs

Important Points to keep in mind

  • Supplements are taken to improve the overall body functioning 
  • Taken when you want nutrients (protein)  in isolation only ( without any carbs/fats ) 
  • Supplements can never replace a well balanced diet
  • Taking supplements in excess can have adverse effects leading body to eliminating the excess and cause pressure on kidneys/liver.
  • Once in a while , stop taking supplements to let your body produce and effectively use the already present nutrients.
  • Having proper nutrient balance in your body will eliminate the chances of taking drugs in the future.
  • Medicines help you to improve the body’s current condition which is usually short term.
  • These should be used under the doctor’s advice as event a smallest mistake can lead to death.
  • Avoid taking medicines with alcohol

Always make sure to buy the best possible supplements and medicines. 


What is the difference between Supplements vs Medicines ?

Medicines become absolutely necessary to be taken in a unavoidable situation like intense pain. Whereas, Supplements are totally optional which acts as catalyst providing you greater benefits in the long term.

 Should we take drugs/medicines or supplements ?

Although, both are not advised but if we have to choose then taking supplements is better. Always remember nothing can replace a “balanced diet”. However, you also can’t skip medicine in case of an illness.


Person 1: (** Eating whey protein in hurry **)

Person 2: Bro, Why do you take these medicines every day after working out?

Person 1: Because there is a huge difference between taking medicine and taking supplements. What I am having is a Supplement ( which by the way is completely optional) to just enhance the quality of our life by fulfilling any deficiencies like vitamin D without any extra effort. Whereas, Medicines are used to cure our illness like stomach pain in a short amount of time which becomes absolutely necessary to have in these cases.



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Increase Testosterone Naturally so that you never need Medicines

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