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increase testosterone

10 simple ways to “Increase Testosterone” Naturally

Testosterone in males is responsible for many vital functions like muscle growth, motivation to do work, hormone production, quality of life, mood and much more.

So, there is no doubt why not to increase testosterone naturally for your betterment. Boosting testosterone will help you to succeed in every area of your life.

Table of Contents

increase testosterone
Testosterone should be in the range 300-1000 ng/dl

Ways to Increase Testosterone  *Naturally*

Exercise Daily

Exercising daily will not only help you physically but will give you many ways to recharge yourself mentally and spiritually as well.

Most men with the highest testosterone are the ones exercising daily with their full potential. Strength training and HIIT(high-intensity interval training) can both cause significant boosts to T levels, especially in men.

You need not go to the gym every day, exercising could be as little as walking too ( no beneficial boost was found doing cardio). But each exercise you do should be challenging enough so as to give your body a signal to increase testosterone ( Read more here ). 

Doing these will really help to boost testosterone

  • Performing compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses are more potent for increasing testosterone.
  • Lift heavy enough so that you can barely do 8 – 12 reps.
  • Also, take rest days, but make sure you do at least 10,000 steps on your rest days too.
  • Bare minimum doing any exercise

In short, Make sure to exercise every day but this is of no benefit without the next way.

Exercise daily
Completed rings show I did workouts everyday

Learn to manage Stress

Stress and high testosterone are the exact opposite of each other. If you have high stress levels, it will affect testosterone badly and vice-versa.

“Cortisol” is the stress hormone of our body ( also performs many vital functions like

  • your body responds to stress or danger.
  • increase your body’s metabolism of glucose.
  • control your blood pressure.
  • reduce inflammation).

High levels of cortisol can lead to various problems like increased sugar and bad mood. You need to keep your stress as low as possible which could be done in the following ways 

  • Talk with family/friends
  • Exercise as long as you are fully recovered
  • Be busy at work
  • Self-care/Self time ( walk alone ) 

Endorphins are released when you exercise your heart sufficiently, and they can lower stress and increase testosterone.

Read More: Managing your cortisol levels will help you to boost testosterone.

Chronic stress reduces testosterone


Don’t put your phone in the pocket

Try not to put any electronic items near your genitals. With advancing technology our phone is always searching for some kind of signals let it be Wi-Fi, 5G, or Bluetooth. The phone is in a state of constant connection/reconnection emitting dangerous radiations every time.

These radiations will affect us very badly in the long term. The closer the phone is to our body, the chances of radiation rinsing into our body increases. The bad news is that men have pockets very close to private parts which is causing infertility in men. 


Next time, make sure not to put your phone in the pocket. Also, be cautious of putting laptops or any other gadget on your lap for use. Always have a stand/table to use your gadgets.


Eat Clean

Eating clean can solve 95% of your problems whether it is your mood, testosterone, hair fall, obesity, or anything.

We should not target to eat clean all the time, but make sure at least 80% of our meals are clean.

What is a clean meal?

The answer is “balanced meal” with little to no exposure to fried/fast food. ( this is my definition )

You can very well enjoy eating ice creams or your favourite dessert but make sure you earn it. The best way to earn is to eat 4/5 meals clean containing a good amount of proteins and good fats ( almonds, fish, eggs, avocados ) which are required for hormone production.

Vitamin D can increase testosterone in men with initial low T but no significant result in men with initial healthy T levels.

No Alcohol

Drinking alcohol occasionally and within the limit is fine. If you are having alcohol every weekend that too in heavy quantities it will for sure adversely affect you.

Many studies have shown that males who drink alcohol may experience decreased testosterone production and testicular atrophy.

This can result in losing Manly characteristics ( hair growth, Adam’s apple, fat gain ). Some researchers concluded that the drop in testosterone was caused by both a decrease in the rate of synthesis and an increase in the breakdown and excretion of testosterone from the blood if we drink very regularly.

In the male reproductive system, alcohol can have extremely harmful consequences at every stage. Try to quit alcohol as soon as possible.


Sleep for 6-8 hours

Deep sleep is very underrated in today’s world. Everyone is running madly after the “hustle” culture but always remember you could have 1000 problems unless you have a health problem. 

Good sleep improves our mood, and brain power, and lowers stress which if not directly, indirectly helps us to increase testosterone. Make sure you are getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep per day equally distributed.

The research concluded that even not sleeping fully for one week reduced testosterone by 15%. 

We also know quite well that every year as we age, our testosterone levels drop by 1% to 2%, which has already set us back. Even If we let aside the testosterone equation, inadequate sleep will result in low energy, reduced libido, poor concentration, and increased sleepiness, all of which may be produced by sleep deprivation in healthy individuals.


Adequate sleep and testosterone.
Aim to sleep for at least 7 hours.

Bath with cold water

There’s a purpose why our private part is located outside of our body. The scrotum hangs outside the body in order to keep the testicles at an optimal temperature to produce sperm and other hormones, around 95 to 98.6°F or 35 to 37°C which is lower than our body temperature.

There have been various researches saying cold showers have no effect

Others indicate that cold showers actually increase testosterone. One thing is proven heat prevents testosterone production.

So, it’s better to be on the safe side. We should try to bathe with neutral water if not with cold.


Never take steroids 

Taking steroids will never help you unless you are competing. Taking artificial testosterone can increase testosterone but it comes at a cost of never being able to produce testosterone naturally again.

They not only destroy our mood, but can cause early heart attacks, strokes, liver tumors, kidney failure, and psychiatric problems completely killing us from within.

Their risk always outweighs the benefits. Taking steroids can make you jacked but you will never be fit.

So, Please never take steroids just to post your abs on social media for the sake of your and your family’s life. Please NOTE this is applicable only if you are not competing anywhere.


Take part in Sports/Competition 

It is the natural tendency of humans to feel valued and loved. We feel most valued when we have achieved something that we are proud of.

So, whenever we take part in any competition ( could be in video games also ), results in increase testosterone.

As opposed to losers with declining testosterone, who had lower testosterone prior to their subsequent match, winners with growing testosterone had greater testosterone indicating how winning and competing help us.


Follow NoFAP

There has been no finding that indicates that nofap or masturbation decreases testosterone. 

But there are studies that tell us that refraining from fapping increases testosterone by 145% in 7 days. Also, masturbating can have psychological effects that impact our T levels.

For instance, many of us feel guilty after masturbating which leads to stress eventually decreasing testosterone. This also can affect our relationships in the long term ( will write a blog in the future ).

In short, Masturbating will not affect us physically ( less testosterone ) but can surely affect us psychologically only if we feel guilty after masturbation.



Does Masturbation decrease testosterone?

There is no evidence suggesting that masturbation decreases testosterone. However, it can affect you psychologically by increasing your stress levels ( which indirectly leads to low testosterone ).

There is a study suggesting that nofap increases T levels by 145% in a week ( but after one week no further increase has been found).


Does less sleep decrease testosterone?

Yes, sleeping less for even one week decreased T levels by 15%. Sleep is a vital function of our body which must not be overlooked.


Does a cold bath increase testosterone?

No study has been found that tells us that a cold shower/bath increases T levels. But one thing is for sure, heat badly affects the T level production. So it’s better to prevent exposure to heat.


Does drinking alcohol decrease testosterone?

Yes, drinking alcohol regularly decreases testosterone. Not only alcohol, smoking, and weed also have a bad effect on T levels.

Occasionally drinking alcohol is fine but one should be wise enough not to drink it every weekend.



One’s high testosterone level is an irreplaceable strength. Testosterone affects us to such a level we can’t even imagine. Therefore, having a high testosterone level is a need rather than a nice to have.


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